When it comes to the Geordie dialect, it's like a language of it's own.
Fortunately, we live here in Newcastle, so have come up with this authentic Geordie Dictionary so you can learn everything you need to know from A to Z.
Everyone loves a Geordie accent, and you'll be able to speak fluent Geordie once you've read this list.
Not only that, you can get some of our Geordie prints to hang in your home, which contains some of the best Geordie language there is.
Aal - I will. Also means All.
Alreet / Areet - How are you? Literally means, alright? It can also be used to answer a question with a positive answer.
Aye - Yes.
Bairn - Child or baby. Bairn can be used to describe young children or by parents describing their kids (even if they're adults). Buy the Bairn definition print here.
Bait - Food. Usually described for lunch but can be used for any food.
Belta - Good. Usually a 1 word answer to signfy something good. Buy the Belta definition print here.
Bonny / Bonnie - Attractive or good looking. A person is bonny, a bonny lad, a bonny lass.
Broon - Brown. Also slang term for Newcastle Brown Ale.
Baccy - Tobacco.
Blinned - Blind (as in cannot see, not the indoor window fixtures)
Bord - A girl, women or girlfriend (as in bird)
Bray - To hit something/someone.
Bullet - A sweet (usually hard boiled sweets)
Cadge - Beg
Canny - Something which is nice, or good, or just OK. Check out our Canny definition print
Charva - Someone who's a bit rough. Also called Chav if you're from the south of the country. Check out the Charva definition print.
Clammin - Very hungry. Think starving. See the Clammin Definition print.
Clart - Mud, dirty.
Caal - Call.
Claggy - Sticky
Da - dad
Dafty - Someone who is silly or stupid
Dee - Do
Deek - To have a look at something
Div - Do
Divee - Someone who's stupid
Divent - Don't.
Doon - Down
Eee - A sound made when excited or astonished. See the eee definition print.
Fatha - Father or dad
Forst - First
Fanny - Girls
Fower - Four
Frisk - Exciting time
Gadgie / Gadgy - Man, old man, bloke
Gan - Go
Gan Canny - Take It Easy or watch how you go
Gaff - House or the place you live
Graft - Work
Giz - Give me
Get - Git
Gob - Mouth
Groond - Ground
Giv awa - Stop that/I don't believe you
Hyem - Home, at home, house. Check out the Hyem definition print.
Heed - Head
Hoose - House
Hinny - Girl
Hor - Her
Howay - Come on, let's go. Also, Howay The Lads. Check the howay definition print.
Hortz - Hurts
Haddaway - A response to when someone is joking with your or having you on.
Kip - Sleep
Kidda - Young person
Knackered - Broken or tired
Knacked - Broken
Lad - Boy or man
Lass - Girl or Woman
Liberty - Something that's unfair
Ma - Mother, Mum
Mam - Mother, Mum
Marra - Friend
Mags, Magpies - Geordie, a nickname for the Newcastle United Football Team Supporters
Mingin - Something that smells, e.g. It mings. Also means something that is disgusting.
Mint - Great or good.
Missus - Wife or girlfriend
Mooth - Mouth
Mortal - Drunk (Check out the Mortal defintiion print)
Mackem - Someone from Sunderland
Mesell - Myself
Muckle - Massive or something that's very big.
Na / Nah - No
Neet - Night
Nee - No
Neebody - Nobody
Netty - Toilet (Check out the Netty definition print)
Ne-Castle - Newcastle
Noot - Nothing
Nowt - Nothing
Nen - None
Narr - No
Oot - Out. We're Ganning Oot
Owa / Ower - Over
Palatic - Drunk
Paralytic - Very Drunk (check out the paralytic definition print)
Pet - term of endearment - Alreet Pet?
Pollis - Police - The Pollis are coming!
Proper - To emphasise something is good. e.g. That is proper mint!
Queer - Strange, Odd. Also means Gay
Radge - Something that's crazy
Radgie - Someone who's crazy (check out the radgie definition print)
Radge Packet - Someone even worse than a radgie (check out the radge packet print)
Sand Dancer - Someone from South Shields
Scran - Food
Sell - Self, myself.
Sooth - South
Snout / Snowt - Cigarette
Tabs - Cigarettes.
Ta - Thanks
Taak - Talk
Tatty / Tattie - Potato
Telt - Told
The Day - Today
The Morra - Tomorrow
Toon - Town, the city centre. Also used to refer to Newcastle United.
Toon Army - The Newcastle Fans
Us - Me
Uptee - Up to
Wor Lass - Girlfriend or wife (see the Wor Lass definition print)
Waak - Walk
Well Aye - Yes
Wey Aye - Yes
Wey - Well
Wesh - Wash
Wor - Our
Wor Kid - A younger sibling such as a younger brother. (Check out the wor kid definition print)
Wrang - Wrong
Worky Ticket - When someone is up to no good. Usually used for children who misbehave, i.e. they are a worky ticket
Watter - Water
Wiv - With
Yee - You
Once you've wrapped your head around the Geordie dialect, you'll want to show off what you've learned. If you're a new homeowner or just looking to refresh your walls, the Newcastle prints make a fantastic purchase when it comes to local art for your walls.